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analysis ethylene oxide

Ethylene Oxide (EtO) Contamination Concerns in Food

Ethylene Oxide, or EtO for short, is often used as an additive in pesticides and spice preservatives. In India and Canada, ethylene oxide is used to kill bacteria and mold in food. Many countries have banned these substances in food ingredients because they harm the body. How dangerous is ethylene oxide for humans? Then, how to analyze it in food?

EtO Overview

Ethylene oxide is a gas, odorless and colorless, making it difficult to detect. The content of ethylene oxide is often found in spices, herbs, dried fruit, ice cream, nuts and jam. In 2021, ethylene oxide is back in the conversation after it was discovered in the flavor enhancer locust bean gum (E410) in the European Union. A year later, EtO was found in Haagen Dazs vanilla ice cream. The Indonesian Food and Drug Monitoring Agency (BPOM) recalled that ice cream from stores.

In addition, the EtO often use to preserve dried fruit, such as dried plums. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) classifies ethylene oxide in group B1 (carcinogenic compounds) because of the discovery of side effects from exposure to EtO in humans, in the form of muscle weakness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, shortness of breath, headaches, and neurological dysfunction. Severe effects can cause leukemia, spontaneous abortion, neurotoxicity, and acute respiratory syndrome.

Ethylene Oxide Analysis

The detection of ethylene oxide (EtO) become is increasingly needed because of the regulation of this compound. We can detect this compound precisely using GC-MS and GC-MS/MS instruments.
The GC-MS method consists of two: November 1999 and the GC-MS/MS method in December 2020. The following are the differences between the two of them:

  • November 1999 GC-MS method, the analytical procedure of this method determines EtO as the sum of EtO and 2-chloroethane. Based on the transition of 2-chloroethane to ethylene oxide followed by derivatization with iodide and detection of iodidiethanol formed in GC. Unfortunately, barely six samples per day for this research process. Besides, only experienced persons are allowed to do the preparation process.
  • December 2020 GC-MS/MS method, the detection limit of EtO specified in this method is 0.05 mg/kg. One of the food control laboratories in Stuttgart, The Chemiches und Veterinรคruntersuchungsamt (CVUA), published a journal on “the analysis of ethylene oxide content in sesame seeds from India using GC-MS and GC-MS/MS.”
Sample Preparation

Based on the journal from CVUA for the analysis of EtO and 2-Chloroethanol metabolites, 2g of sample with the addition of standard liquid and Acetoniryl is required. It was vortexed for five minutes. The EN 15662 extraction kit contains 4g MgSO4, 1g NaCl, 1g Trisodium Citrate and 500mg Disodium Citrate.
After shaking for about one minute, centrifuge the sample at 5000 rpm for five minutes. Transfer 1 ml of the supernatant to a microcentrifuge tube containing 150 mg MgSO4, 25 mg PSA, and 25 mg C18. Then, vortex again for about 30 seconds and centrifuged at 5000 rpm. Eventually, transfer the supernatant to the GC vial.

GC-MS Analysis Results

Below is a graph of the analysis of Ethylene Oxide in sesame seed samples following the German 35 LMBG method.

ethylene oxide in sesame seeds

ethylene oxide biji wijen
Figure 1: The sesame seed sample contains 0.406 mg/kg ethylene oxide.
calibration ethylene oxide
Figure 2: Iodine Ethanol calibration curve. The EOQ method is determined by 0.02 mg/kg.


GC-MS/MS Analysis Results

The results of the spiny sesame seed sample test based on the CVUA Stuttgart method can be seen as follows.

EO calibration
Figure 3: Total Ion Chromatogram (TIC) 0.025 mg/kg Ethylene Oxide and 2-Chloroethanol.
kalibrasi eo
Figure 4: Ethylene Oxide and 2-Chloroethanol calibration curves in the range of 0.005 โ€“ 0.2 mg/kg.


sensitivity eo
Figure 5: Sensitivity of Ethylene Oxide and 2-Chloroethanol at 0.025 mg/kg.

For a deeper explanation of the analysis of Ethylene Oxide with GC-MS and GC-MS/MS, please read the application note here.



Puspitasari, D. 2018. Kajian Senyawa Ikutan (Carry Over Compounds) Dalam Bahan Tambahan Pangan.

Tahir, Muliyati et.all. 2019. Identifikasi Pengawet dan Pewarna Berbahaya Pada Bumbu Giling yang Diperjualbelikan di Pasar Daya Makassar. Jurnal Media Laboran.

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